
Portfolio of

Contact me

 1. General information

 1.1 Basic information
 1.2 Education and further training
Period fromPeriod toType of educationКвалификационна степенОбучителна институцияSpecialty
Period fromPeriod toType of qualificationNameОбучителна институцияOccupationPlace of specializationSpecialty
 1.3 Qualifying credits
Year and monthDuration of the qualificationNumber of credits receivedОбучителна институцияFiles

 1.4 Foreign languages
Language Level of proficiency
 1.5 History of the occupied positions
Period fromPeriod toInstitutionPosition
 1.6 Learning subjects and classes
 1.7 manager
Class teacherLearning years
Group for sports activitiesLearning years
 1.9 Membership in organizations

 2. Practical application

 2.1 Skills and competencies
Skills and competenciesDescription
 2.5 Achieved results with children and students reflecting their individual progress

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 2.7 Participation in research, programs, projects, etc.

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 2.8 Extra-curricular and out-of-school events

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 3. Achievements

 3.1 Personal achievements

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 3.2 Achievements of students

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 4. Professional growth

Promotion-promoting materials tracking the dynamics of personal development, results of pedagogical and methodological work
NameSchool yearDescriptionLinkFiles

 5. Justification

Rationale for choosing a cognitive book, textbook and teaching aids

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 10. Gallery

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